New York State Correction Officer Study Guide
The position of Correction Officer is the entry level uniformed position for this. All applicable requirements set forth in the New York State Public Officers Law. THE TEST SCHEDULE: Testing for the title of Correction Officer is anticipated to be. And must obtain a valid driver license from the State of New York prior to.
Ny State Corrections Officer Exam

Correction Officer Exam The next exam for Correction Officer Trainee has not yet been officially announced by the Department of Civil Service. Additional information will be posted here as soon as it becomes available. The Department of Civil Service, which administers the exam, can be reached toll-free at 1-877-697-5627.

THE KEY TO A SECURE FUTURE Don't miss this opportunity for a rewarding career with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision as a Correction Officer. THE POSITION OF CORRECTION OFFICER: Candidates must be 21 years of age on or before the date of their appointment Correction Officer positions are located throughout New York State in various facilities of the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. As a Correction Officer, under the direct supervision of a higher-ranking officer, you would be responsible for the custody and security, as well as the safety and well-being, of criminal offenders in State Correctional Facilities. You would supervise the movement and activities of inmates; make periodic rounds of assigned areas; conduct searches for contraband; maintain order within the facility; and prepare reports as necessary. You would advise inmates on the rules and regulations governing the operation of the facility and assist them in resolving problems.
You would have a high degree of responsibility for your actions and decisions. You would play a large role in the rehabilitative process related to the incarcerated population. You may also be required to carry firearms in the performance of certain duties and to perform other related work as required. Compensation Title Salary Correction Officer Trainee (First 26 Weeks) $39,014 Correction Officer Trainee (Final 26 Weeks) $41,037 Correction Officer $46,990 A lump sum of $200 is paid after eight weeks of training. Annual salary advancements are based on performance evaluations.
Employees are also eligible for pay raises as negotiated by their certified bargaining agent. Additional compensation is provided through a pre-shift briefing premium and corrections expanded duty pay payable each payroll period in addition to base salary. This additional compensation currently amounts to $179.73 per payroll period.
An inconvenience pay program is in place for evening and night shift employees. Appointees who work in the five boroughs of New York City or in Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland or Westchester Counties will receive an additional $3,438 annual downstate adjustment. Appointees who work in Dutchess, Orange or Putnam Counties will receive an additional $1,280 annual Mid-Hudson adjustment.
Academy Training Program You will be required to participate in, and satisfactorily complete, all requirements of a 12-month training program before you can advance to Correction Officer. As part of the program, you will attend the Correctional Services Training Academy for a minimum of EIGHT weeks of formal training. Paid training at the Academy will include academic courses in such areas as emergency response procedures, interpersonal communications, legal rights and responsibilities, security procedures, and concepts and issues in corrections. You will also receive rigorous physical training to develop fitness, strength and stamina. To physically qualify, it is necessary to perform seven sequential job related tasks in two minutes and fifteen seconds or less.
Failure in any of the tasks will result in the recruit failing to meet the agency qualification standards and, accordingly, being dismissed from the Academy. The test is administered during the final week of the training program at the Academy. A thorough explanation and demonstration of the course, and an opportunity for a trial run, will precede the final test. College Credit Candidates who successfully complete the Academy Training and their probation period are eligible to earn up to sixteen (16) college credits towards a post-secondary degree. Further information can be obtained during your ACADEMY training period. Reassignment Upon completion of the Training Academy program and the on-the-job-training period, new Correction Officers are assigned to facilities based upon staffing needs of the Department, and can only be assigned to facilities for which no reassignment list exists.

This generally means that new Officers are placed at facilities in the lower and mid Hudson Valley areas. Thereafter, employees may request to be reassigned, on the basis of seniority, to other facilities.
Correction Officer Nyc Study Guide
The waiting time for a transfer depends upon the length of existing reassignment lists and Correction Officer turnover. It may take several years to be reassigned to certain facilities. However, reassignment to other facilities may be considerably shorter in time.
All reassignments are by seniority. Complete details of this procedure are available in each facility's Personnel Office. Insurance Benefits HEALTH: Health insurance and Prescription Drug Coverage for yourself only or family coverage for yourself and your eligible dependents is provided at low cost to the employee. Correction Officers can select from several health insurance options to obtain the coverage which best suits their needs. There is a 56-day waiting period before coverage takes effect for new employees. DENTAL: The State of New York and Security Services Unions have a group contract with Group Health Incorporated (GHI) to provide you and your covered dependents with dental insurance benefits, at no cost to the employee. There is a 56-day waiting period before coverage takes effect for new employees.
VISION CARE: Vision benefits are provided to new State employees and qualified dependents, once the employee has been on the payroll for 56 days, at no cost to the employee. LIFE: Life insurance available at reduced premiums through your certified bargaining agent. Leave Benefits ANNUAL LEAVE: Entry level employees earn annual leave at the rate of one half day per pay period or 13 days annually. Additional bonus days are provided in union contracts. Forty days maximum accumulation is allowed. PERSONAL LEAVE: Five days of leave are granted on the date of employment for use each year. Personal leave is not cumulative.
SICK LEAVE: Earned at the rate of one-half day per pay period or 13 days annually. Accumulation of sick leave from year to year is allowed with a maximum accrual of 225 days. Absences due to illness or death in the employee's immediate family may be chargeable to sick leave, not to exceed 15 days per calendar year. WORKERS' COMPENSATION LEAVE: An employee necessarily absent from duty because of an occupational injury may choose Workers' Compensation Law benefits or the Leave Benefit Program.
If the contractual benefits are chosen, the individual agrees to be part of a medical evaluation process designed to return individuals to work on limited duty or light duty prior to full recovery. HOLIDAY OBSERVANCES: There are twelve days, which are observed as holidays by New York State. Correction Officers required to work on a holiday shall receive, at their option, either (a) additional compensation or (b) a compensatory day off.
Retirement General: Membership is mandatory for permanent, full-time employees. Correction Officers are enrolled in accordance with Article 22, Tier 6 of the New York State Employees Retirement System.
Correction Officers also have a special provision which allows them to retire at any age, as long as they have 25 years of uniformed service. Death Benefits: Ordinary and accidental death benefits are payable on your behalf to survivors through application to the Retirement System. Other Credit Union: Payroll deduction savings and loan feature. Physics solution manual kane. Consumer Buying Power: Available through your certified bargaining unit. Education & Training: Tuition reimbursement is available for higher education.
Continuous on-the-job training is available as an enhancement to promotional opportunities. Identification Cards, Badges and Fingerprinting Correction Officers are Peace Officers under Section 2.10 of the Criminal Procedure Law.
Fingerprinting is required of all employees. There is a mandatory $75 fee for fingerprinting. You must have your ID card with you at all times. Badges are provided by the Department to all Correction Officers.