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Manual Description Online Edition for Part No, congratulations, and thank you choosing BMW, thorough familiarity with your vehicle will provide you with enhanced control, please take the time to read this Owner's Manual and familiarize yourself with. Information that we have compiled for you before starting off in your new BMW, manual contains important data and instructions intended to assist you obtaining, maximum satisfaction from your BMW's unique array of advanced technical features, operating safety while simultaneously helping you to maintain your BMW's value. This Owner's Manual should be considered a permanent part vehicle, should stay with the vehicle when sold to provide the next owner with important, we wish you an enjoyable driving experience, status at time printing 9. Reprinting, including excerpts, only with, written consent BMW AG, Munich, bleached without chlorine, suitable recycling, everything from A Z 176.

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2011 Bmw X5 Diesel Owners Manual
Asterisks. to assist you identifying, if your BMW features equipment which, is not described in this Owner's Manual, Supplementary Owner's Manuals, by yourself or by your BMW Sports. Use of modern materials and highUse unleaded fuel only, performance electronics, requires specontaining up including, sponding work your BMW carried, mTBE or 3% methanol plus an. Equivalent amount co-solvent – will, center or workshop that works, respecting defects in materials or work- according BMW repair procedures, quality – volatility, composition, addithe related safety risks. Sale in the United States Canada, the use of poor-quality fuels may result Parts accessories, for your own safety, use genuine.