Statspin Vt Manual

Stat Spin Vt Manual

StatSpin ® VT Multipurpose Veterinary Centrifuge Blood, urine, hematocrits and other routine spins in two minutes or less. Features:. Separates in a fraction of the time required by other centrifuges quality serum or plasma in 30-90 seconds!.
This Idexx Statspin VT Centrifuge was purchased by a veterinary clinic a couple years ago, but never put into use. Has sat in storage since then. Ii How to use this manual This manual along with information contained on product labels and in package inserts should provide you with all the information you.
Statspin Vt Combo

Statspin Vt Centrifuge Manual
Operates without vibration and with virtually no noise or heat build-up. Instantly adaptable to blood separations, urine sediments, microhematocrits and other routine applications. Cover interlock system, UL Listed (US/Canada), meets international safety standards. Self-diagnostics reduce chance of operator error. Priced right for the in-practice lab pays for itself quickly. The StatSpin VT accepts accessories from previous StatSpin models (StatSpin 1, 2, 3, 4, StatSpin MP, RP, CritSpin). Available outside the US only.
Documentation and Literature. Specifications.