Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide 2015
The District Executive (DE) The Council Professional assigned to the District.The District Executive is your special Scouting friend and counselor, the full-time Scouting professional in the District. He or she is employed by the Council and reports to the Council Scout Executive.
Planning guide. WHAT IS ROUNDTABLE? A Cub Scout roundtable is a form of commissioner service and supplemental training for. CUB SCOUTING AND BOY SCOUTING Roundtable Planning Guide 2015–2016 WHAT IS ROUNDTABLE? Roundtable is a form of commissioner service and supplemental training for volunteers at the unit level. The objectives of roundtables are to provide leaders with program ideas; information on policy and events; and training opportunities. Roundtable commissioners will find that the 2015–2016 Cub Scout and Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide allows for a great variety of roundtable configurations. Using these plans, your roundtable may be 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, or 180 minutes based on.
Cub Scout Roundtable Themes
The District Executive is the only Scouter in the District other than Commissioners who wears the wreath of service in their badge of office. You can expect your District Executive to:. Provide professional coaching. Propose unit service plans for your consideration. Give inspiration and encouragement. Maintain regular contact with the heads of your chartered organizations. Provide vital behind-the-scenes administrative skills.
Work with and support volunteers District Committee leadership includes the District Chairman, one or more Vice Chairmen, and Chairmen for the Membership Committee, Finance Committee, and Program function. The Program function includes tasks to be performed related to Training, Advancement/Recognition, Camp Promotion/Outdoor, and Activities/Civic Service. The District Chairman also appoints special and ad hoc committees. The District Commissioner provides communication with the Commissioner Staff and the condition of all Scout Units. District Chairman. Identify and recruit operating committee chairs. Initiate plans and help committee chairs recruit their committee members.
Plan, with the DE, and preside over District Committee meetings. Work with the District Commissioner and DE to stimulate and coordinate the work of the district. With the DE, ensure the completion of district goals.
Represent the District on the Council Executive Board, once elected. Recognize individuals, committees, and chartered organizations for their accomplishments. Support local and national Scouting policies, procedures, and practices. Help secure support for Scouting from top community leaders throughout the District.
Track and attain goals for District’s achievement items. Annually appoint a District Nominating Committee to select nominees for District Officers and Members at large. Camp Promotions Chair. Reports to the Vice Chair. Recruit and orient District Civic Service Committee. Develop and implement a plan for civic service projects in the District. Recruit and guide Civic Service Committee.
Ensure Good Turn ideas through Unit participation in civic service and community activities. Promote proper uniforming at special activities. Implement Council civic service programs. Promote program visibility in the community.
Support Scouting For Food, Spring Cleanup, Camp Work Days, and other Good Turn For America activities. Outdoor Chair.
Cub Scout Roundtable Topics
Reports to the Vice Chair. Develop annual schedule of projects and events; including Camporees, Klondike, etc. Recruit and orient District Outdoor Committee.
Implement the Council outdoor promotion plan. Assist Unit committees in understanding and implementing their outdoor program. Assist Council Committee with outdoor program facilities.

Give guidance on health and safety concerns. Track and attain outdoor objectives. Understand each Unit’s outdoor record. Work with Commissioners to help Units plan a year-round schedule of outdoor program events. THE COMMISSIONER CONCEPT: As liason between the local Council and Scouting Units, the Commissioner’s mission is to keep assigned Units operating at maximum efficiency. The Commissioner maintains regular contact with the leaders of the Units, counsels them on where to find assistance, notes any weaknesses in programs, and suggests remedies. The Commissioner is successful when the Units effectively deliver the ideals of Scouting to their members.
Roundtables play a significant role in providing continuous supplemental training for unit leaders. This monthly event provides program topic guidance and structure suggestions for unit leaders. A fun environment creates excitement around the coming month of activities and program for unit leaders to carry back for implementation in their units. This section includes resources and best practices on how to support quality roundtables for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Varsity Scout leaders as well as the program forum for Venturing leaders.
Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner Guide
Roundtable Planning Guides Providing knowledge, program ideas, skills, and fun resources is the purpose behind the Roundtable Planning Guides for Boy Scout and Cub Scout leaders. Using this guide along with local resources, roundtable commissioners can enable and motivate unit leaders to deliver an outstanding program to their Scout troops. The guide is designed to allow program topics to be used in the order best suited for your district.