Dukane Procare 6000 Installation Manual
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Dukane Procare 6000 Installation Manual
Home care is a special facility provided to a patient within the home. The patient can be an old person or one who is suffering from high illness. Home care involves 1. Personal care like help with bathing, dressing, washing hair, etc.
Homemaking like laundry, cleaning, etc. Cooking food. Health care at home, etc.
Yes, home care is a way of looking after someone who is ill or sick. You can get any type of help you want at your home only. Some of these services are free and donated or for some, you have to pay. Jan 15, 2013. Use the (M) Auto-Firm Button.

Press the Auto-Firm Button to engage auto firm. The Mattress will become firm for nursing procedures. An indicator lights to notify the bed is in Auto-Firm mode. A timer will cancel auto firm in 30 Minutes.
Should the nurse be called away, an unattended patient will not be left on a firm surface. Set the patient weight with the Weight selection buttons (G).
Press the 'Center' static Turning Mode button (I). Place the patient on the bed. Center the patient on the bed from side-to-side and head-to-foot. Use a regular pillow under the head for comfort and to prevent the head from rolling excessively.
Raise side rails. Press the desired Turning Mode button (O). Press the Full Turn Range button (J). Set the Turn Interval time with the up/down buttons (L). If the patient feels the bed is too soft/hard press the up/down Comfort Range buttons accordingly (H).
Jan 09, 2013. Basically, the ProCare Series Monitor, is used in a hospital setting, on patients being transported from surgery, tests, ER, etc. Back to their rooms.
It's monitors their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing & pulse rate, as well as acting as a portable EKG machine. It alerts the transporter of any significant changes in the patient's condition, that would require immediate action, to save the patient's life. It records & stores all that data, for later review, if necessary. Hope this helped you. Jun 23, 2011.
Hi, this list includes 9 different app. Medical Calculator- is a clinical calculator with dozens of useful formulas and equations.
Normal Lab- Values displays reference values to help medical professionals interpret test results. RSI -provides quick access to the rapid sequence intubation (RSI) procedure. Vaccines- shows immunization schedules recommended by the CDC. Sedation- supplies procedural sedation and analgesia information. Jaundice -helps clinicians apply the AAP guidelines for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Medical Abbreviations: 13,000 medical abbreviations- in your pocket. Lab Unit Converter -quickly converts lab values between USA units and SI units.
Patient Tracker- helps doctors and nurses keep track of information about their patients. Sep 06, 2010.
Start by working out what it is you want the system to do. You say 'hospital management' - does it need to keep track of patients & staff (patients A, B, C & D are in Ward E looked after by Nurses F & G, whilst their doctor is Doctor H) - does it need to allocate patients & staff (patient C requires an operation. Rooms X, Y & Z are free. As are surgeons M, N & P. However each surgeon has different skills and each room is a different distance to current position of patient C in ward E. System works out most suitable room and surgeon.) - does it need to send notices to patients' GPs informing them of current progress and status - (in US) does it need to charge patient for healthcare recieved - etc.
Is the system going to replace an existing one? Is so, analyse it.
If not, locate an existing system and analyse that instead. How does the system work - What does it do well - What doesn't it do well - What should it do but doesn't at all - etc. You can gain much information via Interviews and questionnaires Once you know what the system will do, you can start to design it. Feb 03, 2009.