Xbmc Guide
So XBMC 11 Eden Release Candidate 2 is now available and the final release shouldn’t be to long for off for those that don’t want to use the early release candidates. XBMC 11 Eden has been in beta testing for the past few months and brings a whole host of new features to XBMC, some obvious on the surface and many more under the hood. Updates include updates to the default skin, a simpler improved library, additional protocol support for the library, improved networking, better bluray support, GPU acceleration for both nVidia and AMD hardware, AirPlay support, improved web based controller, new and better default weather service supplied by Weather Underground and countless other items.
Itunes Guide Book
In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the Kodi customization tips and tricks needed to take your Kodi installation to the next level.
A great deal has changed since the previous release of XBMC in terms of hardware support. No longer are we just tied to PC and Mac based builds, we have support for Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, Apple TV 2 and the list seems to keep growing! There are already builds floating around for new devices like the Raspberry Pi which could open up all sorts of interesting possibilities.