World History Unit 2 Study Guide Answers
AP World History Unit 2 Review Define pilgimage.Group of people who travel to a religious place. Where did Ibn Battuta being his journey? -Tangier, Morocco What was the empire that came after the Tang Empire in China? -Song Empire Why were feet binded? -It was considered as classification- women were higher in rank than other women. Define Caliphate.Islamic empire Define Three-Field System -2/3 of a field is used, 1/3 is left over to renew the fields Define tributary system.People had to pay taxes to a group of people What was the conflict of the Crusades? - Th e Ho ly Em pi r e wa nt ed to ta k e ba ck Je ru sa le m fr om th e Muslims.
It was a conflict between the Christians and Muslims.More of the working class. Name 3 places where Islam spread. Africa, Spain, Portugal Name 2 items China gave to trade.Silk and porcelain Name the dynasty in China when Mongols had control. Y uan Empi re How did humans adapt to living in the tropics? -Irrigation, trading trails, wild food sources- not much agriculture or domestication What did the Chinese call credit? -Flying money. What was the common reason for the downfall in the Americas?
Study 69 Honors World History 1- Unit 2 Test flashcards from Astrid W. On StudyBlue. GA Studies CRCT Study Guide UNIT 2 – Geography & Prehistoric Native American Traditions. • Spain claimed all of the New World and called it La Florida. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for.
Ap World History Unit 2 Study Guide Answers
Unit 4 World History Answers
-Environment al factors What are the 5 pillars of Islam? -co nfe ssi on of fai th (Al lah is God, Muh amm ad is hi s pr oph et), prayer, give money to the poor, pilgrimage to Mecca, fasting Umayyad was ruled by what city? -Damascus Define Bantu.Group of Sub-Saharan Africa Name 2 of the first three universities.Par is and Oxford. Third: Bologna Who was the leader f rom Mali who promoted Islam? -Mansakankamusa Name 3 results of the Black Plague.Lower class becomes richer, change in structure of gov’t.
And people change religion. What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims? -Sunni: Want a leader they can choose -Shi’ite: Want a leader that’s a descendent from Muhammad. What was the conflict of the 100 Years War? -Who should take control of the French throne Name 2 cultural similarities throughout Africa.S am e ty pe of to ol s, mu si c is im por ta nt, cu lt iv at ion, ki ng is isolated, fixed social categories What was the Great Western Schism? -Pope lives in Avignon and the king wants to pick his own pope.
The Pope has to go back to Rome. Name two things that the Mongols are blamed for.Plague and why Russia remai ned “backwards” What was the Dhow? -A boat used for Indian Ocean trade Where were the very large mounds in N. America located?