Renault Master Gearbox Manual
Door handle fell off, central locking failed, could not lock sliding doors for two weeks, blue tooth and rear camera failed, paint peeled off both sliding door rails. Replaced under warranty but they scratched the paint work when replaced, the orange paint has gone chalky and powdery. Scallops in passenger rear tyre due to suspension issues.
- Renault Master Gearbox Manual Handle
- Renault Master Gearbox Manual For Toyota
- Renault Master Gearbox Manual Book
Renault JB gearbox repair manual. Manual CX Velocidade Renault PK6. Renault Master 252. Renault Semiauto Gearbox. Documents Similar To Renault master repair manual. Renault JB gearbox repair manual. Manual CX Velocidade Renault PK6.
“This issue was brought to my attention buy a Renault mechanic who I did some work for”. Promises from customer service to get independent paint specialist to look at. Village motors in north lakes could not care less! Will engage fair trading now. I will just post what was sent directly to the manager director in regards to our Renault Masters' ongoing major faults and issues that have not been resolved.
Our company will be taking the matter up with VCAT / the relevant bodies and would advise any other purchasers / owners having similar issues should also do the same. The vehicle and Renault Australia / Managing Directors efforts to remedy and resolve problems are well below par and under under consumer laws are: - Not of acceptable quality - Vehicle has not matched description when purchased - Vehicle is Not fit for purpose - Problems have been ongoing and not resolved Please see the attached email below: - Dear name removed, I am writing to regarding our company's Renault Master Commercial Van purchased in November 2013 XXX XXX (VIN #: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX). The vehicle that was purchased has had a host of repetitive faults, issues and major failures keeping the vehicle off the road (at times), and created loss of revenues. I have been in a repetitious loop with your customer service team which has now come to a complete stand still with a host of issues and faults still unresolved. The vehicle itself has been nothing but problematic since day of purchase and not fit for use and for this reason I come to you today to give the opportunity to resolve the matter before taking the matter before VCAT, Consumer Affairs and/or the ACCC for a replacement vehicle / full refund.
I refuse to deal with your customer service team going forward as I have lost my entire trust and faith in them and the Renault brand due to these issues and the customer experience provided to date. The faults and failures that I am referring to are as follows; 1. GEARBOX - Gearbox seized in Neutral during normal driving operation - while stopped at light or following parking on numerous occasions during the first year of ownership until vehicle was placed on a tow truck and towed from high profile clients property. Gear box was replaced.
Check Engine Light Sensor - 4 warranty service visits. Boost sensor replaced following multiple visits 3. Drivers Side And Slide Door Handle Failure - In excess of 5 warranty service visits. Drivers door handle assessed numerous times prior to eventually been installed with new updated OAM parts.

Slide door handle replaced twice. Repetitive Slide Door Alignment, Sensor And Warning Light - Major Ongoing Problem - The passenger side sliding door rail, alignment and closing mechanism is faulty - Sensor constantly beeps, warning lights sound, door does not close properly, Vehicle does not does not lock correctly. 7 Warranty service visits. Not Resolved 5. Slide Door Closing & Lock Mechanism - Failed due to above point. Lock mechanism is not aligned to allow proper functioning, either becomes damaged or not functional (seized). Cannot lock vehicle.
Repaired once at charge (should have been repaired under warranty) Failed again in in Gippsland on the 15/2. Door had to be secured shut by ratchet straps from the interior so vehicle could be driven home. Remains secured shut by ratchet straps. Vehicle cannot be locked up. High risk of property and equipment theft.
Radio And Bluetooth Operation - Vehicle purchased with premium audio sat nav pack - bluetooth phone functionality is faulty / no adequate quality to use. Functionality has never been at a standard where use is suitable while driving. Unable to conduct business phone calls / contact staff members while on the road. Numerous attempts to repair with no positive result.
Intermittent radio problems (changes stations and turns on and off). Has been assessed on numbers occasions with no positive result 7.
Air Conditoner Unit / Compressor Faulty - Failure of compressor unit December 2017. Occurred in our peak season and lead up to Christmas. This should not happen within this legth of time. Compressor unit of extremely bad quality. My experience with renault has been a nightmare from day 1. I ordered my extra long / rear drive master van in October 2015 from McCarrels in Newcastle. At the time I ordered it they told me it would be here in about late Feb 2016 or early arrived in September 2016.
Then within a few months, door handles falling off. One after the other. It kept going back to be repaired time and time again.then Renault finally came up with an idea to sort it.Cable ties!!!Yep, that's the best they've got. Then, on a return trip from Qld outback, in the middle of nowhere, it just stopped.engine was running but had no gears what so ever.
Called roadside assist. What a foul joke that is. They will lie and lie and lie to try and get out of helping.putrid grubs.promise what ever they need to to get you off the phone, then deliver nothing.
So finally the car gets dropped off at DC Motors in Rockhampton (they were pretty good) but oviously being screwed over by head office as well. It took 2 months for dc motors to even get an order number from renault so warranty work could begin???
So then they told me it was the engine bay wiring loom.yeah right. So after 3 months I finally get a call to go pick it up, so I jump in it, drive 5 k's up the road annndd.Bang!! A huge noise underneath the driver and an almighty grinding sound, once again, under me.
So I pull over, look underneath and all I could smell was trans fluid. So then it gets back to DC motors, I spend half a day being screwed over again by Renault head office, they've avoided honouring the roadside assist.again!! So now after nearly another 2 months (and $50k lost earnings) they called last week, its fixed. Now cop this!!' It was a faulty seal in the rear left axle which caused debri to get in there and caused a retension spring to collapse' I kid you not, that's what they have The saga continues.(and this is the much abbreviated version). Its my 3rd van.
2005, 2012 and now 2015 and current. Automated is great. Great on roads and fuel. Happy driving alone. Bluetooth is great, great sound of speakers. Mechanically great machine.
Very hard plastic on the door cards. If you driving long time your elbow will be in pain and bruised. I have to pay for making a leather padding for both doors. If you are carrying a tonne of load and reversing on inclining driveway, its not a happy van. If you carrying a good size load and driving straight on inclining driveway then Automated gearbox not happy. Two Passenger seats are very small with 90 degrees upright back not comfortable at all. Time Clock is headache.
It displays in speedo meter but whenever cruise control is engaged it disappears. Radio is very poor. Very noisey cabin in windy days, I have to pay to wrap up carpet both sides of bulkhead.
Lacks power sometimes. Great need for one more gear between 1 and 2 and 3. Gear ratio is too far apart. Totaly happy with master lwb. I am courier & have owned & driven 160k in 2.5 years, Manual gears, Good changes had no trouble at all until hot & humid qld took its toll on fan motor.
Renault southport replaced & lent van for 2 days totaly free of charge. It would seem many of you have gearbox problems but mine perfect, Ave 8.6 per 100k every tank & 9.6 with a/c on. Most comfortable seat & cruises effortless on m1 @ 100/110kph. Service every 30k uses 1/2 ltr oil between.
80k new pads due now for 2nd set. Very very good van & enormous inside.
Merc was 1st choice but another $25k so think a bargain for money & extras as standard. Loved the look and way the van drives but the gearbox has died at 75,000 km. Still not fixed after 3 weeks but thankfully still under warranty.
Looks like the 75k mark is when lots of people start to have trouble with the gearbox. Only got 6mths left on the warranty so not looking forward to an 8k rebuild if it does it again. Help from dealers and Renault Australia was poor.
Looks like a return to the merc sprinter. Dealer said they have 5 vans in the shop at the moment with similar issues. Renault need to look at providing loan vehicles when under warranty. I bought a new Renault master dci 100 in 2012 medium wheel base from main dealer in limerick city milage at present 50 000 klms.only myself drives it van is very well looked and always serviced on time my problem is if fault happens they always seem to put something down to wear and tear and bill me for it with such small milage I cant see why I have had lots of new vans over the years and with 5 year warranty on vans this is a joke. Cant get customer services on phone to complain 5 year warranty is only a sales plot Renault are a complete rip off and treat customers like rubbish so my advise is run away from Renault they only rip u off if u want good commercial transport look at any other vans Renault are your worst night mare.
If you are looking to buy this sort of van please think a lot. As me and 15 other people we got the contract and we all have bought this van. And everyone has some issues with this van.
Don't buy if you are thinking it's cheaper than others. But truth is better pay more rather than feel cheated later. The issue with this van is poor quality doors, not a great van to drive, poor suspension, in my van many parts were missing. Better check if you still buying this van that everything is working.good luck. My 2015 Master chassis cab 150dci with a manual gearbox has 30k kms on the clock and has not missed a beat. I use it as a beaver tail recovery truck.
The main issues seem to be with the semi auto gearboxes so if you're thinking of buying go for a manual. My only gripes are fuel consumption averaging 22mpg and lack of telescopic adjustment on the steering wheel Update I've had major issues with brakes binding on this vehicle. It's been up and down to the dealer over 10 times in the last 18 months.
Yesterday I just got the vehicle back from the dealer after having new front brake calipers discs and pads fitted under warranty. At this stage they have replaced the entire braking system! Hopefully the fault has now been rectified.
It has totally spoiled my ownership experience. I would not buy another Renault Master. My earlier review where the Qucikshift transmission blew up at 75k on my 2008 Master Van gets worse as the weeks roll. Initially I was told it needed a new transmission costing $7,000 which is ludicrous but at least I'd be getting a new transmission. Not so, it's not getting a new transmission only parts thereof. They tell me the auto clutch and brake hydraulics systems carked it and need replacing so it's now $9,000 and I still only get a paltry 20,000 warranty.
$9,000 for parts and they confess they have had quite a few vehicles go this way. It's not at Southern Cross Renault Toowoomba but now Armstrong Renault Toowoomba. Same place, different name. So it seems a common problem with these Quickshit autos, why weren't there recalls? They claim they don't know the history of the vehicle but I had told them in writing that the original owner had only put 47,000 klms on it in 7 years using it for his roof restoration work where he'd drive to a job every 2-3 days.
Renault Master Gearbox Manual Handle
If it was used as a courier in stop start traffic I could understand. If it was used as a courier he would have clocked up the 75,000ks in the first year of ownership and the parts etc would have been replaced under warranty. I'm the 2nd owner and being retired bought it as my recreational vehicle driving around the country so it's and an easier life. So I give in, why would you buy a Renault? Why they're allowed to import this garbage into our country has got me beat and Renault never learnt anything about the transmissions as they keep churning them out. At least Ford learnt and had enough sense to get rid of the Quickshift autos on their Transits.

I figured Renault had perfected them given they had been using them for years. More fool me, what a heap of garbage. Steer well clear of Renaults. Bought from dealer with 120k on it. Was the cheapest van at the time at $16k Droce home and noticed a banging when shifting.
Renault Master Gearbox Manual For Toyota
I should of test drove it first but i was from interstate. A month harmonic balancer was replaced at cost of $1000 to warranty. Warranty was only for 6 months and things only started to get worse after it ended. Next to go was the hydraulic unit. They wanted $9000 to replace completely. Unfortunately I couldn't afford that at the time. So I complained to Renault and got them to do a recondition one for 4000$ this didn't fix the banging when shifting.
Renault Master Gearbox Manual Book
2 months later the gearbox apparently seized. And they were charging 7000$ for a new one. I had a 2nd hand one installed for 3000. The gearbox change reduced the banging significantly but was still there. After 3 weeks of driving it's almost like 8th was before the gearbox replacement. I'm afraid I'll probably have to replace something else on this POS.
If i had a choice between jamming fork in my eye and buying this car, I'd probably have to consider both options. Yes i realise i am not writing about a van but thought to put some positives into the situation.
Having worked in a ford agency I can absolutely assure you that other brands subject their customers to similar or worse treatment!! It can be just the dealership.I at present own my seventh Renault bought as a demo in 2009 now has113000k.only problem has been a problem with the auto (4 speed torque con)first noticed and complained about at about 20000 k.
Dismissed by dealership and again twice subsequently. Finally gave up completely at about 65000k and well out of warranty. To their credit Renault fitted a complete new trans. Which has performed faultlessly since. IT would be helpful for those reviewing to list type of engine and transmission and year model please.