Grade 11 Platinum Mathematics 2017 Teachers Guide

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Grade 11 Platinum Mathematics 2017 Teachers Guide

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Grade 11 Platinum Mathematics 2017 Teachers Guide

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Features. Content divided into topics and units provides comprehensive curriculum coverage. Accessible language written on an appropriate level ensures understanding. Summaries support the consolidation of Mathematics knowledge. Examination practice papers provide opportunities for exam revision and assessment. Comprehensive memoranda allow learners to check their revision and exam answers. Worked examples and solutions present learners with clear, visual learning support.

Remember boxes and margin notes remind learners of concepts they need to apply. Colour diagrams support the learning of Mathematics concepts. Difficult and new words are defined to build learners vocabulary. Margin notes provide additional information to enhance understanding. Exercises focus on key Mathematics content to enable learners to master different skills.

Grade 11 Mathematics Textbook

Worked examples and solutions allow learners to practise difficult concepts.