Tracker Targa 17 Manual

- 1997 Tracker Targa V-17 Folks here is a loaded Tracker Targa V17 just in time for the winter striper & catfish season. And its loaded Big Jon downriggers & balls, 4 Tree rod holder in the bow, Humminbird 859 console, Hummingbird 597 bow, ship to shore radio, 3 bank charger and more!!!!
- Pro-Guide 175 combo taking on water. Details: My boat is a 2012 TRACKER Pro Guide™ V-175 Combo. Details: I have a 1990 Deep V17 Tracker.
My boat is a 2012 TRACKER Pro Guide™ V-175 Combo. From the very beginning I have battled water in my hull.
I recently purchased a 1996 Tracker Pro Team 17, and surprise surprise no owner's manual. Well I called Tracker, and they said they do not.
I first noticed the water gauge creeping up on me from the first time I had it in the water, I turn on the bilge and water steadily comes out for 2 or 3 minutes then stops. This happens about 2 to 3 times over the course of the entire day. After pulling the boat out of the water, I pull my plug.more water. I have inspected the aluminum body can I cannot find any welds that are cracked or damage to the body. The intakes for the live wells were a little loose and I have tightened them by hand.
They are plastic so I worry that if I over tighten them they will crack. I thought the water in the hull was from the cooler draining or the live wells but now I'm at a loss. Has anyone experienced this or know of common areas that are prone for a leak? What are the ways I can test for a leak?
I figure the leak (or leaks) are small, through a fiitting or hose, so I was hoping someone has experienced the same problem. Your help is appreciated. Last month I bought a new 2014 tracker pro 160 with 40 hp mercury. The boat popoises badly whether one or two people are aboard starting at 22 mph or above 4500 rpm. This is with the trim all the way down. The faster i go from there, the worse it gets. The dealer said this was impossible until he tested it.
He lowered the motor down to the top of the transom, but it did not help. The boat is unsafe and uncontrollable. The boat is at the dealers now. He said he was having some welding done to the transom. My question is: since the boat is a month old and since this has been a problem since i bought, why do i have to have a 'new' boat that has to be welded on.

Why doesn't tracker replace the defective new boat? I use my trolling motor primarily for trolling on Lake Cumberland for stripers, dragging live bait behind me for hours at a time. As soon as I return home I plug in the onboard charger & charge up my batteries. Late last month, the charger never switched to green, indicating the batteries were not fully charged.
The boat is 30 months old, precisely the warranty of the trolling motor batteries. I bought two new batteries & found that the charger still will not switch to green, as it remains red. I took the new batteries from the dealer directly to my campsite at Kendall Campground & installed them. I promptly plugged in the charger. 12 hours later, the charger was still showing red.
Since returning, I've left the charger plugged in for 48 consecutive hours & its still red. Coincidentally the warranty on the charger is also 30 months. My dealer is Southeast Marine who I trust as they've taken good care of me but they're nearly 100 miles away. Any ideas as to my issue?
Tracker Targa 17 Specs
I just bought a 2005 Tracker Targa 17SC in July. It has a 2007 Mercury 75 four stroke EFI on it.
I picked it up friday June 5th 2009 it was a friday. Saturday I had it on the water and was fishing. Left it tied to the dock saturday night.
Woke up sunday morning and the boat was under about 2 feet of water in the back and nose was almost straight up. The olny thing stopping it from going down was the motor was touching bottom. Brought it back sunday night they had it a week and put a automatic Bilge pump in said it wouldnt happen again just rained alot witch it did. Took it out the next saturday and that auto bilge pump ran all day long!
So I looked in the back and the 2 holes that are under the motor to drain water out of the boat are sitting under water. Water is constantly leaking into the boat and right there in front of the motor is the round black plastic cap that unscrews and you can reach down into the boat where the pump is. So in a sense the boat was sinking it self. So dealer took it back and tried to water tight and seal the cap. Got it back a week later still no change. Water still leaks in all day long.
They want to rewire the boat and put the 2 batteries up front to lift back of boat up. But i had a 200lb guy up front fishing all day sunday and it still didnt help. I got about 2 inches of clearence from water coming in over the back by the motor and thats with a 1/4 tank of gas.
It is 9/9/09 three months later and I still havent heard anything. They say they are working on an answer. That was the major problem, i lost two rod tips putting my rods in the rod holders under deck, broke tips right off cause they got caught up in there on electric motor wires under deck.
80 dollar rods. Then I looked at one of the seats up front and the stitching on seat came completely out and seat is coming apart. Dealer told me its not there problem they are on my side its trackers job to fix it. 3 months and no word yet?
Not sure what to do with this boat? Motor is Great love it. This tracker is a problem boat from hell. And it was suppose to be BRAN NEW never been on the water just a hold over boat sitting on lot. They were asking $18995.00 for it i paid 15,000 after a $3000 rebate and down payment and it sank the next day!!!!
You can probably tell what I think of Tracker BOATS, this was my first one!! I asked about the Lemon law and they said it doesnt matter as long as they are trying to fix the problem there is nothing i can do?????
I heard back from the factory today they said its normal and they will only stop the leak into the bottom of boat by sealling the wet well cap!!! Welcome to the forums! That is not normal to sit that low in the water. There is a yellow coast gaurd tag inside somewhere. It should say hp limit and possibly motor weight limit.
I would say the motor weighs too much for the boat. As far as moving batts I would say it's just fixing the symtom not the problem. I do think the auto bilge pump is a good idea for any boat. As a patch fix you could seal the hatch but I would want a better fix.
Wave wackers might also help waves from coming over the back. What they told you was BS. I have a this same exact boat and that is not a common problem for me. 2005 Targa SC. I have a 2 stroke 90 hp merc and a 45 pound kicker motor and two manual downriggers in the back with 2 batteries in the box and don't get that kind of water coming into that area unless two guys are standing back there with the livewell full of water. Water will come into this area but if your not overloaded it should not be coming over that well cap.
It will continue to leak into the hull if so. I love my boat though.
Do all kids of fishing in it and it has performed well overall. Oh, one more thing. Did you take this picture with any substantial water in your hull? Water in the hull will cause this sinking look. Maybe there is another leak and they are looking at fixing the wrong problem? That cap is not water tight, nor would I expect it to be.
Might be worth filling part of your hull with water and the drain plug in on the trailer and let it sit in a dry area and water for other possible leaks? Just don't put too much water (keep below the fuel tank and floor of course). Just a idea/thought.