Nikon Microscope Optiphot 100 Manual
Biological Microscope. NIPPON KOGAKU K.K. Do not use the 12V, 100W halogen lamp bulb. If the lamp bulb of.
Microscope manufacturers offer a wide range of objective designs to meet the performance needs of specialized imaging methods, to compensate for cover glass thickness variations, and to increase the effective working distance of the objective. Often, the function of a particular objective is not obvious simply by looking at the construction of the objective.
Finite microscope objectives are designed to project a diffraction-limited image at a fixed plane (the intermediate image plane), which is dictated by the microscope tube length and located at a pre-specified distance from the rear focal plane of the objective. Microscope objectives are usually designed to be used with a specific group of oculars and/or tube lenses strategically placed to assist in the removal of residual optical errors. As an example, older Nikon and Olympus compensating eyepieces were used with high numerical aperture fluorite and apochromatic objectives to eliminate lateral chromatic aberration and improve flatness of field. Newer microscopes (from Nikon and Olympus) have objectives that are fully corrected and do not require additional corrections from the eyepieces or tube lenses. Most manufacturers have now transitioned to infinity-corrected objectives that project emerging rays in parallel bundles from every azimuth to infinity. These objectives require a tube lens in the light path to bring the image into focus at the intermediate image plane. Infinity-corrected and finite-tube length microscope objectives are not interchangeable and must be matched not only to a specific type of microscope, but often to a particular microscope from a single manufacturer.
For example, Nikon infinity-corrected objectives are not interchangeable with Olympus infinity-corrected objectives, not only because of tube length differences, but also because the mounting threads are not the same pitch or diameter. Objectives usually contain an inscription denoting the tube focal length correction as will be discussed. There is a wealth of information inscribed on the barrel of each objective, which can be broken down into several categories. These include the linear magnification, numerical aperture value, optical corrections, microscope body tube length, the type of medium the objective is designed for, and other critical factors in deciding if the objective will perform as needed. A more detailed discussion of these properties is provided below and in links to other pages dealing with specific issues. Manufacturer - The name of the objective manufacturer is almost always included on the objective.
The objective illustrated in Figure 1 was made by Nikon, but comparable objectives are manufactured by Olympus, Zeiss, and Leica, companies who are some of the most respected manufacturers in the microscope business. Linear Magnification - In the case of the apochromatic objective in Figure 1, the linear magnification is 60x, although the manufacturers produce objectives ranging in linear magnification from 0.5x to 250x with many sizes in between. Optical Corrections - These are usually listed as Achro and Achromat (achromatic), as Fl, Fluar, Fluor, Neofluar, or Fluotar (fluorite) for better spherical and chromatic corrections, and as Apo (apochromatic) for the highest degree of correction for spherical and chromatic aberrations. Field curvature corrections are abbreviated Plan, Pl, EF, Achroplan, Plan Apo, or Plano.
Other common abbreviations are ICS (infinity corrected system) and UIS (universal infinity system), N and NPL (normal field of view plan), Ultrafluar (fluorite objective with glass that is transparent down to 250 nanometers), and CF and CFI (chrome-free; chrome-free infinity). The objective in the illustration (Figure 1) is a plan apochromat that enjoys the highest degree of optical correction. See Table 1 for a complete list of abbreviations often found inscribed on objective barrels. Table 1 - Specialized Objective Designations. Mechanical Tube Length - This is the length of the microscope body tube between the nosepiece opening, where the objective is mounted, and the top edge of the observation tubes where the oculars (eyepieces) are inserted. Tube length is usually inscribed on the objective as the size in number of millimeters (160, 170, 210, etc.) for fixed lengths, or the infinity symbol ( ¥) for infinity-corrected tube lengths. The objective illustrated in Figure 1 is corrected for a tube length of infinity, although many older objectives will be corrected for tube lengths of either 160 (Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss) or 170 (Leica) millimeters.
Cover Glass Thickness - Most transmitted light objectives are designed to image specimens that are covered by a cover glass (or cover slip). The thickness of these small glass plates is now standardized at 0.17 mm for most applications, although there is often some variation in thickness within a batch of coverslips.
For this reason, some of the more advanced objectives have a correction collar adjustment of the internal lens elements to compensate for this variation. Abbreviations for the correction collar adjustment include Corr, w/Corr, and CR, although the presence of a movable, knurled collar and graduated scale is also an indicator of this feature.
Working Distance - This is the distance between the objective front lens and the top of the cover glass when the specimen is in focus. In most instances, the working distance of an objective decreases as magnification increases.
Working distance values are not included on all objectives and their presence varies depending upon the manufacturer. Common abbreviations are: L, LL, LD, and LWD (long working distance), ELWD (extra-long working distance), SLWD (super-long working distance), and ULWD (ultra-long working distance). Newer objectives often contain the size of working distance (in millimeters) inscribed on the barrel. The objective illustrated in Figure 1 has a very short working distance of 0.15 millimeters.
Specialized Optical Properties - Microscope objectives often have design parameters that optimize performance under certain conditions. For example, there are special objectives designed for polarized illumination signified by the abbreviations P, Po, POL, or SF (strain-free and/or having all barrel engravings painted red), phase contrast ( PH, and/or green barrel engravings), differential interference contrast ( DIC), and many other abbreviations for additional applications. A list of several abbreviations, often manufacturer specific, is presented in Table 1. The apochromat objective illustrated in Figure 1 is optimized for DIC photomicrography and this is indicated on the barrel.
The capital H beside the DIC marking indicates that the objective must be used with a specific DIC Wollaston prism optimized for high-magnification applications. Table 2 - Objective Numerical Aperture and Working Distance. Objective Screw Threads - The mounting threads on almost all objectives are sized to standards of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) for universal compatibility. The objective in Figure 1 has mounting threads that are 20.32 mm in diameter with a pitch of 0.706, conforming to the RMS standard. This standard is currently used in the production of infinity-corrected objectives by manufacturers Olympus and Zeiss.
Nikon Microscope Manual
Nikon and Leica have broken from the standard with the introduction of new infinity-corrected objectives that have a wider mounting thread size, making Leica and Nikon objectives usable only on their own microscopes. Nikon's reasoning is explained in our section describing the for biomedical microscopes. Abbreviations commonly used to denote thread size are: RMS (Royal Microscopical Society objective thread), M25 (metric 25-millimeter objective thread), and M32 (metric 32-millimeter objective thread). Immersion Medium - Most objectives are designed to image specimens with air as the medium between the objective and the cover glass. To attain higher working numerical apertures, many objectives are designed to image the specimen through another medium that reduces refractive index differences between glass and the imaging medium.
High-resolution plan apochromat objectives can achieve numerical apertures up to 1.40 when the immersion medium is special oil with a refractive index of 1.51. Other common immersion media are water and glycerin. Objectives designed for special immersion media usually have a color-coded ring inscribed around the circumference of the objective barrel as listed in Table 3 and described below. Common abbreviations are: Oil, Oel (oil immersion), HI (homogeneous immersion), W, Water, Wasser (water immersion), and Gly (glycerol immersion).
Color Codes - Microscope manufacturers label their objectives with color codes to help in rapid identification of the magnification and any specialized immersion media requirements. The dark blue color code on the objective illustrated in Figure 1 indicates the linear magnification is 60x. This is very helpful when you have a nosepiece turret containing 5 or 6 objectives and you must quickly select a specific magnification. Some specialized objectives have an additional color code that indicates the type of immersion medium necessary to achieve the optimum numerical aperture. Immersion lenses intended for use with oil have a black color ring, and those intended for use with glycerin have an orange ring, as illustrated with the objective on the left in Figure 2. Objectives designed to image living organisms in aqueous media are designated water immersion objectives with a white ring, and highly specialized objectives for unusual immersion media are often engraved with a red ring. Table 3 lists current magnification and imaging media color codes in use by most manufacturers.
Table 3 - Objective Color Codes. Other features found on specialized objectives are variable working distance ( LWD) and numerical aperture settings that are adjustable by turning the correction collar on the body of the objective as illustrated in Figure 2. The plan fluor objective on the left has a variable immersion medium/numerical aperture setting that allows the objective to be used with both air and an alternative liquid immersion medium, glycerin. The plan apo objective on the right has an adjustable working distance control (termed a 'correction collar') that allows the objective to image specimens through glass coverslips of variable thickness. This is especially important in dry objectives with high numerical aperture that are particularly susceptible to spherical and other aberrations that can impair resolution and contrast when used with a cover glass whose thickness differs from the specified design value. Although not common today, other types of adjustable objectives have been manufactured in the past. Perhaps the most interesting example is the compound 'zoom' objective that has a variable magnification, usually from about 4x to 15x.
Nikon Optiphot 200
These objectives have a short barrel with poorly designed optics that have significant aberration problems and are not very practical for photomicrography or serious quantitative microscopy. Parfocal Distance - This is another specification that can often vary by manufacturer. Most companies produce objectives that have a 45 millimeter parfocal distance, which is designed to minimize refocusing when magnifications are changed. The objective depicted on the left in Figure 3 has a parfocal distance of 45mm and is labeled with an immersion medium color code in addition to the magnification color code. Parfocal distance is measured from the nosepiece objective mounting hole to the point of focus on the specimen as illustrated in the figure.
The objective on the right in Figure 3 has a longer parfocal distance of 60 millimeters, which is the result of its being produced to the, again deviating from the practice of other manufacturers such as Olympus and Zeiss, who still produce objectives with a 45mm parfocal distance. Most manufacturers also make their objective nosepieces parcentric, meaning that when a specimen is centered in the field of view for one objective, it remains centered when the nosepiece is rotated to bring another objective into use. Glass Design - The quality of glass formulations has been paramount in the evolution of modern microscope optics. Numerous designs have been implemented by a variety of manufacturers, but we will limit this discussion to a specialized low dispersion glass formulation.
Extra Low Dispersion (ED) glass was introduced as a major advancement in lens design with optical qualities similar to the mineral fluorite but without its mechanical and optical demerits. This glass has allowed manufacturers to create higher quality objectives with lens elements that have superior corrections and performance. Multilayer Coatings - Quality microscope objectives are protected and enhanced by unique high-transmission anti-reflective multilayer coatings that are applied to the lens air-interface surfaces to reduce flare and ghosts and ensure high-contrast images. These specialized coatings are also used on the phase plates in phase contrast objectives to maximize contrast.
From the discussion above it is apparent that objectives are the single most important element of a microscope. It is for this reason that so much effort is invested in making sure that they are well-labeled and suited for the task at hand.
Description This LED illuminator replaces the original Nikon Optiphot 300 illuminator. It provides a whiter, brighter light than the original, while using far less power.
Nikon Optiphot 2
Intensity control is continuous from 0-100%. The illuminator for the Nikon Optiphot 300 uses the same illuminator as the Leica DMLB 100W, with an adapter ring to attach it to the Nikon Optiphot 300 microscope.
Don’t replace your microscope because of a bad illuminator. Replace your old Nikon Optiphot 300 microscope light with a new Nanodyne LED system. See the links below for Included Items and Installation Instructions for more details. Custom-designed to fit the form factor of the Nikon Optiphot 300. Option for brightness control potentiometer on the new illuminator or on an existing control on the microscope. Easy installation with instructions and most tools provided.
All illuminator systems are backed by our 3-year warranty. Specifications:. Illuminator Dimensions: 3.50 x 3.25 x 3.10 inch. Power Requirements: 5V 2.5A. Brightness: 825 lm. LED Expected Lifetime: 50,000 Hours. Material: Anodized 6061 T6 Aluminum.