Manual For A Vigil Radar System
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE CIA HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM 2 JULY 96 SECRET No Foreign Dissem Stand-by for faint signals from rare maintenance tests on a new SAM model. AN ELINT VIGIL, UNMANNED Edmund L. Soohoo One of the more difficult electronic intelligence collection problems is that of picking up the signals associated with a missile. It is particularly difficult for the smaller missiles, such as surface-to-air types which transmit signals of relatively low power, if they are besides not often fired. A case in point is the Soviet SA-2 missile Guideline, older versions of which are used extensively against U.S.
Aircraft in North Viet Nam. The newer models are so far deployed only in the Soviet Union and a few Bloc countries, notably East Germany. For the development of electronic countermeasures against surface-to-air missile systems the prime intelligence targets are, first, the type of proximity fuze they use to detonate the warhead, and second, the tracking beacon which, emanating from a transponder on the missile responsive to a ground guidance transmitter, serves to determine the missile's position in flight. If the characteristics of the fuze are known the warhead can be detonated at harmless ranges. If the tracking beacon can be jammed, the ground radar's computer can be confused as to the missile's location and so made to misdirect it. The Elint problem, then, is to determine the frequencies and modulation characteristics of these signals in the normal peacetime environment when live missile firings are rare and usually inaccessible. This problem exists for the latest version of the Soviet SA-2 system.
Aug 29, 2018 - Manual For A Vigil Radar. System Ebook Pdf manual for a vigil radar system contains important info and an in depth Mi, 29 Aug. 2018 22:59:00. Vigil Radar Manual Fox 5 dc wttg wttg dc news, weather, radar, traffic, breaking news, weather, radar. Corporation ltd jaipur metro is a rapid transit system in the city of jaipur, rajasthan, india construction on the mostly elevated part of the first line, called phase 1a, comprising 963 kilometres (598 mi) of route from mansarovar to.
The Problem Signals This latest SA-2 system consists of the Fan Song E track-while-scan radar and the Guideline III missile. At the operational launch site there are a number:, of mobile vans housing the radar, the associated computer, and the missile guidance transmitter. There are 6 missile launchers. The radar is in the C-band microwave range, approximately 5000 MHz, and the guidance transmitter in the UHF L-band (700-800 MHz). A mobile test van checks each missile's proximity fuze, guidance system including beacon transponder, and autopilot about once every six months.
These semiannual tests of the missiles' electronics are made with special equipment connected up by cable to exercise the various functions. But a certain amount of energy nevertheless leaks from the missile antennas during the tests. Although its level is extremely low—on the order of thousandths of a watt—such small amounts of power can be detected at long ranges by the use of sufficiently sensitive receiving equipment. The probability of intercept in any particular case depends upon the estimated power leakage, how close the collection site is, and the sensitivity of the receiving system.
A further problem is that of keeping on the lookout for the signal and recognizing it when it comes. If the test schedule is not known, a 24-hour surveillance is required over an extended period of time. The signal may last only a few seconds for each missile tested.
For recognition purposes a 'model' of the expected signal must be constructed, comprising the limits of possible fuze and beacon signals estimated on the basis of known systems and the current state of the art. Fortunately the characteristics of a proximity fuze signal are normally quite distinct from those of other radar-like signals. As for the beacon signal, it will have the same pulse repetition frequency as the ground radar, though at a different radio frequency, so that it too should be recognizable. Designing an Automatic Monitor The first task is to set up specifications for the target signals. The possible types of proximity fuze signals are basically three: continuous wave, pulse, and FM.
These could be narrowed on the basis of U.S. Practice and some intelligence on older Soviet proximity fuzes, but it is dangerous to estimate Soviet electronic development from U.S. Analogies, since Soviet design practice and philosophy often departs from ours even where ours is well understood and available to Soviet designers. Therefore all possibilities, in the absence of positive intelligence, must be considered equally likely. The postulated ranges of frequency, modulation characteristics, and propagated power of the proximity fuze signals are outlined in Figure 1. The beacon signal is simply assumed to be a one-for-one pulse reply to the L-band guidance transmitter, which is in synchronism with the Fan Song E radar pulses.
SA-2 Guideline Proximity Fuze Model Parameter Expected Value Uncertainty a. Carrier Radio Frequency 3.6 to 3.8 GHz or 9 GHz 3.2 to 4 GHz and 7.5 to 10.5 GHz b. RF Carrier Modulation (1) Pulse Modulation (a) Pulse Width 0.4 usec 0.3 to 0.6 usec (b) Pulse RF 200 KHz 100 to 250 KHz (c) Duty Factor 0.08 0.03 to 0.12 (d) Pulse RF Jitter negligible 10% noise jitter (2) FM-CW or CW (a) Voltage-Controlled Modulation Frequency 1 MHz 0.5 to 2.0 MHz Frequency Deviation (peak to peak) 10 MHz 5 to 15 MHz (b) External Ferrite Modulation Frequency 50 KHz 20 to 150 KHz Frequency Deviation (peak to peak) 1 MHz 250 KHz to 2 MHz (3) Modulation sinusoidal sinusoidal to noise c.
RF Power (1) Pulse Carrier 5 w peak 3 to 10 w peak (2) CW Carrier 5 w average 3 to 10 w average d. Antenna Gain 12 db 10 to 15 db (1) Antenna Pattern hollow cone 4deg to 12deg 3-db BW (2) Antenna Front Sidelobes -10 db -6 to -20 db (3) Antenna Back Lobes -7 db -5 to -10 db (4) Main Beam Polarization Linear linear to circular (5) Number of Channels 2 2 Using these models for the target signals and further assuming some parameters for the collection system and its distance from the point of propagation, a calculation of the sensitivity required of the receiver system may be made.
The following is a sample such calculation for the fuze signal of a single frequency to illustrate the method of determining whether the proposed system has sufficient sensitivity. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) is the single point of contact for all inquiries about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). We read every letter, fax, or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us. Contact Information By postal mail: Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505 Contact the Contact the Contact the Before contacting us:. Please check our, search feature, or our site navigation on the left to locate the information you seek.
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Vigil Security Systems
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Vigil Monitoring System
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